Newbie install experience

Terry Tyson ttyson at
Fri Apr 4 06:24:39 PST 2003


Strange that you are having trouble with "Easy CD" on windows. I have been
using Easy CD Creator 3.5c on windows NT with a Plexwriter 8/20 without
problems. It will burn an ISO to CD in less than 30 min. However, the
windows CD software at home (can't remember what it's called, don't use it
anymore) is extremely slow (about 100Mb takes over an hour). Burning under
Mandrake9 with the same hardware is very fast. Haven't tried burning with
FBSD yet, but I'm sure it will be at least as fast as Mandrake. I think the
windows software at home is verifying about a zillion times and can probably
be changed but just haven't spent time to find out.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-freebsd-newbies at
> [mailto:owner-freebsd-newbies at]On Behalf Of Paul Simon
> Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 7:52 AM
> To: freebsd-newbies at
> Subject: Newbie install experience
> Hi all
> I was donated an old Dell Optiplex - PentiumI 64MB 2GB. Since I
> had RH7.1 on a HP PII box and wanted to try something different
> like Debian, but the installation wasn't clear enough for me to
> follow. So, I tried FreeBSD. Installing it on the Dell Optiplex
> was surprisingly smooth. I installed via ftp over ethernet. It
> was so smooth that I decided to wipe out the RH7.1 on the HP PII
> box to install FreeBSD. (At the same time, I added a second
> harddrive!) Well, the install was not so nice:
> The ethernet card (Netgear FA310-TX) was not recognized.
> Consequently, I couldn't install over ethernet like a I did for
> the above. So, I went down the long road of figuring out that you
> need better than a limited "Easy CD" on windows in order to burn
> a bootable ISO image on CD - 5 hour tribulation :). I finally
> used the demo version of NERO to burn it. Yippee for Nero!!
> I now have FreeBSD 4.8 on two boxes. However, the Netgear
> FA310-TX is still not recognized. Could somebody point me in a
> direction to begin to trouble shoot this? Should I be posting to
> another list?
> Thanks, Paul
> --
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