Help with VNET

Andrea Venturoli ml at
Wed Oct 21 10:13:50 UTC 2020


I've been using jails for years with ezjail. Now I'm trying to 
experiment with VNET.
I've looked for a tutorial, but found scarce (and possibly outdated) info.

Box is a 12.1/amd64.
Basic configuration involves wlan0 configured via DHCP (
Host networking works.
For a start, let's get IPFW out of the way:
#ipfw add 1 pass ip from any to any

Then I setup the host:
# ifconfig epair create
(Now I see epair0a and epair0b)
# ifconfig bridge create up
# ifconfig bridge0 addm wlan0 addm epair0a

Now I start the jail and I don't see epair0b anymore on the host.

In the jail I issue:
#ipfw add 1 pass ip from any to any
#ifconfig epair0b

_ pinging the host from the jail works;
_ pinging the jail from the host works;
_ pinging another host from the base system works;
_ pinging another host from the jail does NOT work.

tcpdump on wlan0 shows ARP packets from the jail (who tries to get the 
MAC address of the external host), but these do not reach the network (a 
tcpdump on the external host doesn't show them).

IPFW logging shows that it's not blocking anything.

Any hint?

  bye & Thanks

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