SRv6 in FreeBSD

Unix Codenetworks unix at
Tue Nov 26 18:41:17 UTC 2019

Hi Rodney,

I haven't said that is not approved or an RFC exist (there are many and some interesting use cases) , but can you tell me of any in production deployments?

The conservatory still there, if you check with your customer, how many are willing to deploy it?

Open for an offline talk about it as i really like to know if you are seeing other thing..

Best regards.


On 2019-11-26 11:33, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:

>> Hi Alex,
>> While I'm not a BSD developer, i really doubt it, considering that the
>> building blocks for SR are not there ( mpls support or just label
>> push/pop/swap).
> He specifically stated SRv6 which is not MPLS based.
> The building blocsk if one was to need this in a BSD are in
> OpenBSD which has an MPLS implementation.
>> On the other hand, on SRv6 as you mentioned you rely on IPv6 headers and
>> there is a lot of conservatory about it.... ( unless you are a Cisco fan!)
> :-)  The SRH is 5 years and 26 revisions into the process and has
> been  "Submitted to IESG for Publication" per:
> so it should be possible for someone to do an implementation in FreeBSD
>> I'm interesting on the use case, if you don't mind... is it just service
>> chaining you application ? Usually servers are just part of an overlay (
>> call it VXLAN,? MPLS? or something over something else...)
> I would be interested to here the use cases as well.
>> Best regards.
>> Santiago
>> On 2019-11-25 03:43, madhava gaikwad via freebsd-net wrote:
>>> Hello Experts,
>>> I want to know if there is any effort/planning going on to implement Segment Routing (RFC 8402? I see Linux supporting it. Wondering if there is something planned on FreeBSD too.My app runs on FreeBSD and I have a use case to share information from one application gateway to another about connection identity. I thought SRv6 header can help me here.
>>> Thank you.Alex.
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