Several hosts behind a caching resolver

Victor Sudakov vas at
Sun Nov 24 16:02:47 UTC 2019

Eugene Grosbein wrote:
> > 
> > Several hosts of the local network use a FreeBSD server with BIND or
> > local-unbound as a caching resolver. Let's call it "Resolver A."
> > Resolver A forwards all queries to another resolver, e.g. or
> > some other, let's call it "Resolver B."
> > 
> > Can the operator of Resolver B figure out how many clients there are
> > behind Resolver A, or obtain any other information about the hosts on
> > the said local network (like their operating system etc)? In other
> > words, does Resolver A effectively anonymize the queries, or is some
> > information about the internal network leaking?
> No anonymization via unencrypted DNS.
> The query itself reveals most data about clients. Windows OSes send queries
> for MS-specific domains periodically, Android for its domains,
> FreeBSD for or etc.

This is a good point.

> If a there are multiple recursive queries for both of MS/Androis/MacOS-specific domains,
> this means there are many clients behind this local resolver.

If there are multiple recursive queries for MS domains only, do you think
the operator of Resolver B can tell if there are 10 or 100 MS clients
behind Resolver A? 

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
2:5005/49 at fidonet
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