FreeBSD as multicast router

Victor Gamov vit at
Mon Nov 18 21:21:08 UTC 2019

Hi All

Still trying to run FreeBSD-box as multicast router :-)

FreeBSD upgraded to 11.3-STABLE #1 r354778. netstat pacth by Mike Karels 
manually applied and netstat -gs looks OK now.

Latest pimd version 3.0beta1 downloaded from git and configured. While 
configure it report following:

------------------ Summary ------------------
  pimd version 3.0-beta1
   Prefix................: /usr/local
   Sysconfdir............: /usr/local/etc
   Localstatedir.........: /usr/local/var
   C Compiler............: cc -g -O2

Optional features:
   Kernel register encap.: no
   Kernel (*,G) support..: no
   Kernel MAX VIFs.......: 32
   Memory save...........: no
   RSRR (experimental)...: no
   Exit on error.........: yes

What does "Kernel (*,G) support..: no" means?

Then my test multicast network configured (again)
           --------------------          ----------
-vlan298-| FreeBSD PIM router |-vlan299-| client |
          |208.34/29   205.2/29|         |205.5/29|
           --------------------          ----------

Two multicast generated by FreeBSD-router: one ( sended 
from vlan299 and another ( from vlan298 both with TTL=20

Pimd started with following config:
phyint vlan299 enable ttl-threshold 20
phyint vlan298 enable ttl-threshold 20

Now client is requesting multicast which router is sending from vlan299 
and client successfully receiving it.  But when client is requests 
multicast sending (by router) from vlan298 it doesn't receive it.

My first question: (in theory) is router must send multicast to client 
in this situation?

And the second: why :Ttls is 1 at `netstat -f inet -g` output:

IPv4 Virtual Interface Table
  Vif   Thresh   Local-Address   Remote-Address    Pkts-In   Pkts-Out
   0        20                            0      19247
   1        20                           0      22249
   2         1                            0      41496

IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Table
  Origin          Group             Packets In-Vif  Out-Vifs:Ttls      22249    1    2:1        19247    0    2:1

Any suggestion?

Victor Gamov

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