FreeBSD as multicast router

Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb-lists at
Fri Nov 8 15:04:09 UTC 2019

On 8 Nov 2019, at 7:30, Mike Karels wrote:

>> P.S. I rebuild kernel with MROUTING option but
>> =====
>> # netstat -gs -f inet
>> No IPv4 MROUTING kernel support
>> =====
>> still here
> Oh, I see; that's another manifestation of the bug that makes netstat
> fail with the loadable module.  It doesn't work if VNET is defined,
> because then there isn't a single stats structure with the expected
> name.  My fixed netstat would work.  Let me know what FreeBSD version
> you are running, and I can build a fixed version; or I can send a 
> patch.

How did you fix netstat?

The proper way to fix this seems to be to stop using lkvm for querying 
the stats and properly exporting them in the kernel.


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