VLANs for use with jails

Patrick M. Hausen hausen at punkt.de
Tue May 14 07:01:24 UTC 2019


Not tested, minor typos possible ...

> Am 10.05.2019 um 23:02 schrieb Christian Baer <chris at debilux.org>:
> ifconfig_igb1="inet -rxcsum -rxcsum6 -txcsum -txcsum6 -lro -tso -vlanhwtso"
> ifconfig_igb1_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv -lro -tso“ 
> [...]
> What's the proper way to set up igb1 to be untagged (and so be in the management vlan) and create the different VLANs on it and use it with the jails? On of the VLANs should also be in the management VLAN (to move my Unifi controller from a Pi to a jail).

ifconfig_igb1=“up -rxcsum -rxcsum6 -txcsum -txcsum6 -lro -tso -vlanhwtso“
cloned_interfaces="vlan3 vlan4“

ifconfig_vlan3="inet vlan 3 vlandev igb1“
ifconfig_vlan4="inet vlan 4 vlandev igb1“

iocage set vlan3jail interfaces="vnet0:vlan3"
iocage set vlan3jail ip4_addr="vnet0|"

iocage set vlan4jail interfaces="vnet0:vlan4"
iocage set vlan4jail ip4_addr="vnet0|"

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