[Bug 237720] tcpip network stack seized for six hours after large high-throughput file transfer

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Sat May 4 00:27:41 UTC 2019


--- Comment #1 from Naveen Nathan <freebsd at t.lastninja.net> ---
There has been some suggestions that this issue might have happened due to mbuf
exhaustion. Here are a few commands which I think might help with a post-mortem

$ uptime
10:25AM  up 19 days,  9:45, 7 users, load averages: 0.02, 0.03, 0.00

$ uname -a
FreeBSD myhostname 12.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE-p3 GENERIC  amd64

$ netstat -m
8394/15306/23700 mbufs in use (current/cache/total)
8208/6802/15010/131072 mbuf clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
17/6149 mbuf+clusters out of packet secondary zone in use (current/cache)
4/42/46/1020649 4k (page size) jumbo clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
0/0/0/302414 9k jumbo clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
0/0/0/170108 16k jumbo clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
18530K/17598K/36129K bytes allocated to network (current/cache/total)
0/0/0 requests for mbufs denied (mbufs/clusters/mbuf+clusters)
0/0/0 requests for mbufs delayed (mbufs/clusters/mbuf+clusters)
0/0/0 requests for jumbo clusters delayed (4k/9k/16k)
0/0/0 requests for jumbo clusters denied (4k/9k/16k)
11 sendfile syscalls
6 sendfile syscalls completed without I/O request
3 requests for I/O initiated by sendfile
14 pages read by sendfile as part of a request
54 pages were valid at time of a sendfile request
0 pages were valid and substituted to bogus page
0 pages were requested for read ahead by applications
47 pages were read ahead by sendfile
0 times sendfile encountered an already busy page
0 requests for sfbufs denied
0 requests for sfbufs delayed

$ vmstat -z                             
ITEM                   SIZE  LIMIT     USED     FREE      REQ FAIL SLEEP  

UMA Kegs:               296,      0,     261,       3,     261,   0,   0  
UMA Zones:             3488,      0,     278,       0,     278,   0,   0    
UMA Slabs:               80,      0, 6257315,  191035,13619139,   0,   0  
UMA Hash:               256,      0,      51,      39,     109,   0,   0    
4 Bucket:                32,      0,    2978,   22397, 6557670,   0,   0  
6 Bucket:                48,      0,     532,    9179, 1453684,   0,   0    
8 Bucket:                64,      0,     203,    8353, 1091498,  21,   0  
12 Bucket:               96,      0,     376,    4380, 1240085,   0,   0 
16 Bucket:              128,      0,     462,    4622, 1140684,   1,   0  
32 Bucket:              256,      0,     476,    2749, 1654959, 411,   0  
64 Bucket:              512,      0,     765,    1891, 2208533,6308,   0    
128 Bucket:            1024,      0,     592,     620,  870033,6781,   0  
256 Bucket:            2048,      0,     814,     294,  772380,6883,   0    
vmem:                  1792,      0,       9,       1,       9,   0,   0  
vmem btag:               56,      0,   69378,   37193,  491288, 751,   0    
VM OBJECT:              256,      0,  462620, 1109560,34906108,   0,   0  
RADIX NODE:             144,      0,   63068,   31243,69681498,   0,   0    
MAP:                    232,      0,       3,      65,       3,   0,   0 
KMAP ENTRY:             120,      0,      10,     221,      12,   0,   0  
MAP ENTRY:              120,      0,    5566,    7931,111879850,   0,   0
VMSPACE:               2512,      0,      41,     250, 1933974,   0,   0       
fakepg:                 104,      0,       1,    1253,      21,   0,   0 
64 pcpu:                  8,      0,    3208,    2424,    3640,   0,   0  
mt_stats_zone:           64,      0,     437,     139,     437,   0,   0 
mt_zone:                 24,      0,     437,     565,     437,   0,   0  
16:                      16,      0,  621313,   18988,114067699,   0,   0
32:                      32,      0,  149317,   86308,290305615,   0,   0 
64:                      64,      0, 1266541,  457431,315561388,   0,   0 
128:                    128,      0,   80300,   52535,336400015,   0,   0 
256:                    256,      0,  496496,  104164,119539158,   0,   0 
512:                    512,      0,  154487,   15945,93550244,   0,   0  
1024:                  1024,      0,    1661,     883,33271013,   0,   0       
2048:                  2048,      0,     168,     238,435995430,   0,   0 
4096:                  4096,      0,   28898,      50,21765487,   0,   0  
8192:                  8192,      0,     234,      46, 1000755,   0,   0  
16384:                16384,      0,      42,      44,   42734,   0,   0  
32768:                32768,      0,     125,      15,    1281,   0,   0  
65536:                65536,      0,      16,      24,   16746,   0,   0  
SLEEPQUEUE:              80,      0,    1765,     653,    1765,   0,   0  
Files:                   80,      0,     239,    3911,40338051,   0,   0  
filedesc0:             1104,      0,      87,     288, 1934019,   0,   0  
TURNSTILE:              136,      0,    1765,     815,    1765,   0,   0  
rl_entry:                40,      0,     838,    4262,     838,   0,   0    
umtx pi:                 96,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
umtx_shm:                88,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0    
MAC labels:              40,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
PROC:                  1320,      0,      86,     418, 1934018,   0,   0    
THREAD:                1400,      0,    1119,     645,   39613,   0,   0  
cpuset:                 104,      0,      51,    2150,     472,   0,   0    
domainset:               40,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
audit_record:          1280,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
mbuf_packet:            256, 13064310,       5,    7173, 2882769,   0,   0
mbuf:                   256, 13064310,    8372,    8930,91081495,   0,   0
mbuf_cluster:          2048, 131072,   15369,     655,19066913,   0,   0    
mbuf_jumbo_page:       4096, 1020649,       4,      83, 9188654,   0,   0 
mbuf_jumbo_9k:         9216, 302414,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0    
mbuf_jumbo_16k:       16384, 170108,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
epoch_record pcpu:      256,      0,       4,      12,       4,   0,   0    
FPU_save_area:          512,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
g_bio:                  376,      0,       0,    1410,117520574,   0,   0   
DMAR_MAP_ENTRY:         120,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
ttyinq:                 160,      0,     195,    1430,29127360,   0,   0  
ttyoutq:                256,      0,     103,    1157,15211063,   0,   0 
nvme_request:           128,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0       
cryptop:                128,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
cryptodesc:             120,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
crypto_session:          24,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
vtnet_tx_hdr:            24,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
taskq_zone:              48,      0,       0,    8134,23449413,   0,   0 
VNODE:                  480,      0,  621967,     721, 2749903,   0,   0  
VNODEPOLL:              120,      0,       0,     132,       8,   0,   0  
BUF TRIE:               144,      0,       0,  105948,       0,   0,   0  
S VFS Cache:            108,      0,  622856,   12289, 4991101,   0,   0  
STS VFS Cache:          148,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
L VFS Cache:            328,      0,   32040,   12780,  406199,   0,   0       
LTS VFS Cache:          368,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
NAMEI:                 1024,      0,       0,     388,163185077,   0,   0 
rentr:                   24,      0,       0,     835,   12563,   0,   0  
DIRHASH:               1024,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
NCLNODE:                592,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
Mountpoints:           2744,      0,      22,     251,     529,   0,   0  
procdesc:               136,      0,       0,     638,      18,   0,   0  
AIO:                    208,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
AIOP:                    32,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
AIOCB:                  752,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
AIOLIO:                 280,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0    
range_seg_cache:         72,      0,   60784,   67201,22386000,   0,   0  
metaslab_alloc_trace_cache:     72,      0,       0,    3630,20430002,   0,   0
zio_cache:             1048,      0,      28,    2012,369175190,   0,   0 
zio_link_cache:          48,      0,       0,    9960,295409260,   0,   0   
zio_buf_512:            512,      0,  680913,   13823,36704101,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_512:       512,      0,      85,    3003, 2619222,   0,   0    
zio_buf_1024:          1024,      0,      43,     369, 2608237,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_1024:     1024,      0,      74,     506, 1166617,   0,   0 
zio_buf_1536:          1536,      0,      17,     287,  857875,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_1536:     1536,      0,      50,     246, 1031438,   0,   0  
zio_buf_2048:          2048,      0,      49,     143, 2926535,   0,   0    
zio_data_buf_2048:     2048,      0,      38,     174,  743270,   0,   0  
zio_buf_2560:          2560,      0,       3,      88,  796858,   0,   0    
zio_data_buf_2560:     2560,      0,      32,      68,  444729,   0,   0  
zio_buf_3072:          3072,      0,       5,      87,  855179,   0,   0    
zio_data_buf_3072:     3072,      0,      36,      67,  418626,   0,   0  
zio_buf_3584:          3584,      0,       3,      35,  909208,   0,   0    
zio_data_buf_3584:     3584,      0,      25,      17,  344368,   0,   0 
zio_buf_4096:          4096,      0,     139,      83, 4390435,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_4096:     4096,      0,      27,      20,  374270,   0,   0 
zio_buf_5120:          5120,      0,       6,      45, 1008401,   0,   0       
zio_data_buf_5120:     5120,      0,      32,      45,  338943,   0,   0 
zio_buf_6144:          6144,      0,    1366,     102, 1179423,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_6144:     6144,      0,      33,      22,  285231,   0,   0 
zio_buf_7168:          7168,      0,      35,      36,  542980,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_7168:     7168,      0,      28,      25,  204349,   0,   0 
zio_buf_8192:          8192,      0,       5,      33, 1068758,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_8192:     8192,      0,      20,      29,  256157,   0,   0  
zio_buf_10240:        10240,      0,       2,      42, 1071550,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_10240:   10240,      0,      43,      36,  348392,   0,   0  
zio_buf_12288:        12288,      0,       7,      35,  839958,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_12288:   12288,      0,      27,      29,  264215,   0,   0       
zio_buf_14336:        14336,      0,       3,      33,  611067,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_14336:   14336,      0,      29,      38,  174953,   0,   0  
zio_buf_16384:        16384,      0,   29106,     233, 9934508,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_16384:   16384,      0,      15,      27,  184931,   0,   0  
zio_buf_20480:        20480,      0,       2,      33,  786252,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_20480:   20480,      0,      29,      30,  238139,   0,   0  
zio_buf_24576:        24576,      0,       1,      29,  517586,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_24576:   24576,      0,      30,      36,  186779,   0,   0  
zio_buf_28672:        28672,      0,       1,      46,  238846,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_28672:   28672,      0,      10,      37,  146537,   0,   0  
zio_buf_32768:        32768,      0,       1,      32,  328727,   0,   0    
zio_data_buf_32768:   32768,      0,      12,      36,  138941,   0,   0  
zio_buf_40960:        40960,      0,       6,      30,  232479,   0,   0       
zio_data_buf_40960:   40960,      0,      15,      41,  216165,   0,   0  
zio_buf_49152:        49152,      0,       1,      53,  378777,   0,   0    
zio_data_buf_49152:   49152,      0,      12,      43,  183832,   0,   0  
zio_buf_57344:        57344,      0,       2,      27,  125230,   0,   0    
zio_data_buf_57344:   57344,      0,       8,      44,  130295,   0,   0  
zio_buf_65536:        65536,      0,       0,      33,  143598,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_65536:   65536,      0,       7,      46,  154120,   0,   0  
zio_buf_81920:        81920,      0,       2,      56,  242951,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_81920:   81920,      0,       7,      44,  526745,   0,   0    
zio_buf_98304:        98304,      0,       0,      34,  262299,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_98304:   98304,      0,       4,      42,  713406,   0,   0    
zio_buf_114688:      114688,      0,       1,      33,  168828,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_114688: 114688,      0,       2,      44,  112192,   0,   0    
zio_buf_131072:      131072,      0,     130,     120, 1339480,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_131072: 131072,      0,    6818,     110, 6759995,   0,   0    
zio_buf_163840:      163840,      0,       0,      27,  134271,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_163840: 163840,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zio_buf_196608:      196608,      0,       0,      25,   42169,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_196608: 196608,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0       
zio_buf_229376:      229376,      0,       0,      31,   25436,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_229376: 229376,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zio_buf_262144:      262144,      0,       0,      26,   56652,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_262144: 262144,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zio_buf_327680:      327680,      0,       0,      28,   43238,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_327680: 327680,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zio_buf_393216:      393216,      0,       0,      24,   41616,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_393216: 393216,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zio_buf_458752:      458752,      0,       0,      24,    9353,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_458752: 458752,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zio_buf_524288:      524288,      0,       0,      25,   30041,   0,   0       
zio_data_buf_524288: 524288,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zio_buf_655360:      655360,      0,       0,      28,   34362,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_655360: 655360,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zio_buf_786432:      786432,      0,       0,      20,   54420,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_786432: 786432,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zio_buf_917504:      917504,      0,       0,      18,   33793,   0,   0  
zio_data_buf_917504: 917504,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zio_buf_1048576:     1048576,      0,       0,      34,  299267,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_1048576: 1048576,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_buf_1310720:     1310720,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_1310720: 1310720,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zio_buf_1572864:     1572864,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_1572864: 1572864,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0     
zio_buf_1835008:     1835008,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_1835008: 1835008,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zio_buf_2097152:     2097152,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_2097152: 2097152,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zio_buf_2621440:     2621440,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_2621440: 2621440,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_buf_3145728:     3145728,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_3145728: 3145728,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_buf_3670016:     3670016,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0   
zio_data_buf_3670016: 3670016,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_buf_4194304:     4194304,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0   
zio_data_buf_4194304: 4194304,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_buf_5242880:     5242880,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0   
zio_data_buf_5242880: 5242880,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_buf_6291456:     6291456,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0   
zio_data_buf_6291456: 6291456,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_buf_7340032:     7340032,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
zio_data_buf_7340032: 7340032,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_buf_8388608:     8388608,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0      
zio_data_buf_8388608: 8388608,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_buf_10485760:    10485760,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_10485760: 10485760,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_buf_12582912:    12582912,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_12582912: 12582912,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_buf_14680064:    14680064,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_14680064: 14680064,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_buf_16777216:    16777216,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_16777216: 16777216,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
lz4_ctx:              16384,      0,       0,      47,13646201,   0,   0  
abd_chunk:             4096,      0, 6062533,    7608,129128463,   0,   0      
sa_cache:               144,      0,  621778,    1274, 2425352,   0,   0  
dnode_t:                728,      0,  779201,    3374, 3728924,   0,   0  
arc_buf_hdr_t_full:     256,      0,  922135,   69095,14402646,   0,   0  
arc_buf_hdr_t_l2only:     96,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
arc_buf_t:               64,      0,   38564,   81096,21561760,   0,   0  
dmu_buf_impl_t:         240,      0,  719348,   61628,21105559,   0,   0  
zil_lwb_cache:          320,      0,      10,    1010,  116043,   0,   0  
zil_zcw_cache:           80,      0,       0,    2650,   90988,   0,   0  
sio_cache:              128,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
zfs_znode_cache:        272,      0,  621778,     718, 2425012,   0,   0  
pipe:                   760,      0,      24,     391,  899076,   0,   0    
ksiginfo:               112,      0,     466,    5134, 2051786,   0,   0  
itimer:                 352,      0,       0,      33,       2,   0,   0       
KNOTE:                  160,      0,      39,    1961,32692147,   0,   0  
socket:                 872,  65536,      82,     446,  811406,   0,   0    
unpcb:                  256,  65550,      57,    1833,  265881,   0,   0  
ipq:                     56,   4118,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0    
udp_inpcb:              488,  65536,      10,     902,  468540,   0,   0  
udpcb:                   32,  65625,      10,    5615,  468540,   0,   0  
tcp_inpcb:              488,  65536,      14,     618,   76937,   0,   0  
tcpcb:                  976,  65536,      14,     330,   76937,   0,   0  
tcptw:                   88,  13140,       0,    3780,   26469,   0,   0    
syncache:               168,  15364,       0,    1472,   42801,   0,   0  
hostcache:               96,  15375,      12,    1259,    5095,   0,   0    
sackhole:                32,      0,       0,    2125,   25188,   0,   0  
tfo:                      4,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0    
tfo_ccache_entries:      80,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
tcpreass:                48,   8217,       0,    2075,   38014,   0,   0    
tcp_log:                400, 1000000,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
tcp_log_bucket:         144,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
tcp_log_node:           120,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
sctp_ep:               1280,  65538,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0       
sctp_asoc:             2408,  40000,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
sctp_laddr:              48,  80012,       0,       0,       3,   0,   0  
sctp_raddr:             736,  80000,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0    
sctp_chunk:             152, 400010,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
sctp_readq:             152, 400010,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0    
sctp_stream_msg_out:    112, 400015,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
sctp_asconf:             40, 400000,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0    
sctp_asconf_ack:         48, 400060,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
udplite_inpcb:          488,  65536,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0    
ripcb:                  488,  65536,       0,     320,      39,   0,   0  
IPsec SA lft_c:          16,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0       
rtentry:                208,      0,      11,     122,      13,   0,   0  
selfd:                   64,      0,     865,    6575,151996806,   0,   0 
swpctrie:               144, 4082643,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
swblk:                  136, 4082620,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0 
pf mtags:                48,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
pf states:              296, 100009,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
pf state keys:           88,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
pf source nodes:        136,  10005,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
pf table entries:       160,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
pf table counters:       64,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
pf frags:               112,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0    
pf frag entries:         40,   5000,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
pf state scrubs:         40,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0       
FFS inode:              160,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  
FFS1 dinode:            128,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0    
FFS2 dinode:            256,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0  

$ sysctl dev.igb.0
dev.igb.0.interrupts.rx_overrun: 0
dev.igb.0.interrupts.rx_desc_min_thresh: 0
dev.igb.0.interrupts.tx_queue_min_thresh: 0
dev.igb.0.interrupts.tx_queue_empty: 0
dev.igb.0.interrupts.tx_abs_timer: 0
dev.igb.0.interrupts.tx_pkt_timer: 0
dev.igb.0.interrupts.rx_abs_timer: 0
dev.igb.0.interrupts.rx_pkt_timer: 0
dev.igb.0.interrupts.asserts: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.tso_ctx_fail: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.tso_txd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.tx_frames_1024_1522: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.tx_frames_512_1023: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.tx_frames_256_511: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.tx_frames_128_255: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.tx_frames_65_127: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.tx_frames_64: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.mcast_pkts_txd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.bcast_pkts_txd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.good_pkts_txd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.total_pkts_txd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.good_octets_txd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.good_octets_recvd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.rx_frames_1024_1522: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.rx_frames_512_1023: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.rx_frames_256_511: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.rx_frames_128_255: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.rx_frames_65_127: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.rx_frames_64: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.mcast_pkts_recvd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.bcast_pkts_recvd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.good_pkts_recvd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.total_pkts_recvd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.xoff_txd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.xoff_recvd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.xon_txd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.xon_recvd: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.coll_ext_errs: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.alignment_errs: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.crc_errs: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.recv_errs: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.recv_jabber: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.recv_oversize: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.recv_fragmented: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.recv_undersize: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.recv_no_buff: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.missed_packets: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.defer_count: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.sequence_errors: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.symbol_errors: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.collision_count: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.late_coll: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.multiple_coll: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.single_coll: 0
dev.igb.0.mac_stats.excess_coll: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_7.rx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_7.rxd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_7.rxd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_6.rx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_6.rxd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_6.rxd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_5.rx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_5.rxd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_5.rxd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_4.rx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_4.rxd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_4.rxd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_3.rx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_3.rxd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_3.rxd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_2.rx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_2.rxd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_2.rxd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_1.rx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_1.rxd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_1.rxd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_0.rx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_0.rxd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_rx_0.rxd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_7.tx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_7.txd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_7.txd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_6.tx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_6.txd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_6.txd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_5.tx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_5.txd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_5.txd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_4.tx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_4.txd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_4.txd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_3.tx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_3.txd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_3.txd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_2.tx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_2.txd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_2.txd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_1.tx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_1.txd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_1.txd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_0.tx_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_0.txd_tail: 0
dev.igb.0.queue_tx_0.txd_head: 0
dev.igb.0.fc_low_water: 4294965240
dev.igb.0.fc_high_water: 4294965248
dev.igb.0.rx_control: 0
dev.igb.0.device_control: 12583489
dev.igb.0.watchdog_timeouts: 0
dev.igb.0.rx_overruns: 0
dev.igb.0.tx_dma_fail: 0
dev.igb.0.mbuf_defrag_fail: 0
dev.igb.0.link_irq: 0
dev.igb.0.dropped: 0
dev.igb.0.eee_control: 1
dev.igb.0.itr: 488
dev.igb.0.tx_abs_int_delay: 66
dev.igb.0.rx_abs_int_delay: 66
dev.igb.0.tx_int_delay: 66
dev.igb.0.rx_int_delay: 0
dev.igb.0.rs_dump: 0
dev.igb.0.reg_dump: General Registers
        CTRL     00c00241
        STATUS   00080780
        CTRL_EXIT        10180c00

Interrupt Registers
        ICR      00000000

RX Registers
        RCTL     00000000
        RDLEN    00000000
        RDH      00000000
        RDT      00000000
        RXDCTL   00010000
        RDBAL    00000000
        RDBAH    00000000

TX Registers
        TCTL     a40400f8
        TDBAL    00000000
        TDBAH    00000000
        TDLEN    00000000
        TDH      00000000
        TDT      00000000
        TXDCTL   00000000
        TDFH     40020002
        TDFT     00000000
        TDFHS    00000000
        TDFPC    00000000

dev.igb.0.fc: 3
dev.igb.0.debug: -1
dev.igb.0.nvm: -1
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq7.rxq_fl0.credits: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq7.rxq_fl0.cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq7.rxq_fl0.pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq6.rxq_fl0.credits: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq6.rxq_fl0.cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq6.rxq_fl0.pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq5.rxq_fl0.credits: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq5.rxq_fl0.cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq5.rxq_fl0.pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq4.rxq_fl0.credits: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq4.rxq_fl0.cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq4.rxq_fl0.pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq3.rxq_fl0.credits: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq3.rxq_fl0.cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq3.rxq_fl0.pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq2.rxq_fl0.credits: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq2.rxq_fl0.cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq2.rxq_fl0.pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq1.rxq_fl0.credits: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq1.rxq_fl0.cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq1.rxq_fl0.pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq0.rxq_fl0.credits: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq0.rxq_fl0.cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rxq0.rxq_fl0.pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.r_abdications: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.r_restarts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.r_stalls: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.r_starts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.r_drops: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.r_enqueues: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.ring_state: pidx_head: 0000 pidx_tail: 0000 cidx: 0000
state: IDLE
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.txq_cleaned: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.txq_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.txq_in_use: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.txq_cidx_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.txq_cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.txq_pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.no_tx_dma_setup: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.txd_encap_efbig: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.tx_map_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.no_desc_avail: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.mbuf_defrag_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.m_pullups: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq7.mbuf_defrag: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.r_abdications: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.r_restarts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.r_stalls: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.r_starts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.r_drops: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.r_enqueues: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.ring_state: pidx_head: 0000 pidx_tail: 0000 cidx: 0000
state: IDLE
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.txq_cleaned: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.txq_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.txq_in_use: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.txq_cidx_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.txq_cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.txq_pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.no_tx_dma_setup: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.txd_encap_efbig: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.tx_map_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.no_desc_avail: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.mbuf_defrag_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.m_pullups: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq6.mbuf_defrag: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.r_abdications: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.r_restarts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.r_stalls: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.r_starts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.r_drops: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.r_enqueues: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.ring_state: pidx_head: 0000 pidx_tail: 0000 cidx: 0000
state: IDLE
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.txq_cleaned: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.txq_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.txq_in_use: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.txq_cidx_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.txq_cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.txq_pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.no_tx_dma_setup: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.txd_encap_efbig: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.tx_map_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.no_desc_avail: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.mbuf_defrag_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.m_pullups: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq5.mbuf_defrag: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.r_abdications: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.r_restarts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.r_stalls: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.r_starts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.r_drops: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.r_enqueues: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.ring_state: pidx_head: 0000 pidx_tail: 0000 cidx: 0000
state: IDLE
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.txq_cleaned: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.txq_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.txq_in_use: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.txq_cidx_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.txq_cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.txq_pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.no_tx_dma_setup: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.txd_encap_efbig: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.tx_map_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.no_desc_avail: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.mbuf_defrag_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.m_pullups: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq4.mbuf_defrag: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.r_abdications: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.r_restarts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.r_stalls: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.r_starts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.r_drops: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.r_enqueues: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.ring_state: pidx_head: 0000 pidx_tail: 0000 cidx: 0000
state: IDLE
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.txq_cleaned: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.txq_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.txq_in_use: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.txq_cidx_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.txq_cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.txq_pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.no_tx_dma_setup: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.txd_encap_efbig: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.tx_map_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.no_desc_avail: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.mbuf_defrag_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.m_pullups: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq3.mbuf_defrag: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.r_abdications: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.r_restarts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.r_stalls: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.r_starts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.r_drops: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.r_enqueues: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.ring_state: pidx_head: 0000 pidx_tail: 0000 cidx: 0000
state: IDLE
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.txq_cleaned: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.txq_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.txq_in_use: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.txq_cidx_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.txq_cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.txq_pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.no_tx_dma_setup: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.txd_encap_efbig: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.tx_map_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.no_desc_avail: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.mbuf_defrag_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.m_pullups: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq2.mbuf_defrag: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.r_abdications: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.r_restarts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.r_stalls: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.r_starts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.r_drops: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.r_enqueues: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.ring_state: pidx_head: 0000 pidx_tail: 0000 cidx: 0000
state: IDLE
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.txq_cleaned: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.txq_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.txq_in_use: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.txq_cidx_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.txq_cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.txq_pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.no_tx_dma_setup: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.txd_encap_efbig: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.tx_map_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.no_desc_avail: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.mbuf_defrag_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.m_pullups: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq1.mbuf_defrag: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.r_abdications: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.r_restarts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.r_stalls: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.r_starts: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.r_drops: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.r_enqueues: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.ring_state: pidx_head: 0000 pidx_tail: 0000 cidx: 0000
state: IDLE
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.txq_cleaned: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.txq_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.txq_in_use: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.txq_cidx_processed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.txq_cidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.txq_pidx: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.no_tx_dma_setup: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.txd_encap_efbig: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.tx_map_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.no_desc_avail: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.mbuf_defrag_failed: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.m_pullups: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.txq0.mbuf_defrag: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.override_nrxds: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.override_ntxds: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.tx_abdicate: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.rx_budget: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.disable_msix: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.override_qs_enable: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.override_nrxqs: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.override_ntxqs: 0
dev.igb.0.iflib.driver_version: 7.6.1-k
dev.igb.0.%parent: pci3
dev.igb.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x8086 device=0x1526 subvendor=0x8086
subdevice=0xa06c class=0x020000
dev.igb.0.%location: slot=0 function=0 dbsf=pci0:6:0:0
dev.igb.0.%driver: igb
dev.igb.0.%desc: Intel(R) PRO/1000 PCI-Express Network Driver

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