
Kajetan Staszkiewicz vegeta at
Tue Mar 19 13:59:40 UTC 2019

On 19.03.19 14:47, Sami Halabi wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> All buzz around Software-Defined Wan.. I wonder what is in the base of its
> fundamentals and what does FreeBSD has to offer in the subject.

You can always build solutions using normal open source components.

FreeBSD itself can do some network redundacy thanks to carp. Then you
can put some routing deamon on top of it, BIRD for example, maybe
exabgp, add a few lines of code, bind it to your server database,
anounce things over BGP to some real router, modify uour firewall rules.
BGP *is* SD WAN, isn't it?

Or you can buy a virtual appliance with a ton of features, but have a
look at this video first:

| pozdrawiam / greetings | powered by Debian, FreeBSD and CentOS |
|  Kajetan Staszkiewicz  | jabber,email: vegeta()tuxpowered net  |
|        Vegeta          | www:     |

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