Eliminating IPv6 (?)

Rodney W. Grimes freebsd-rwg at gndrsh.dnsmgr.net
Wed Jun 19 16:15:18 UTC 2019

> In message <CAOjFWZ7A5cA=oE3viNy-W=G3uNxiBGtNccA8yEoHfL52dY=dEg at mail.gmail.com>
> Freddie Cash <fjwcash at gmail.com> wrote:
> >For someone who doesn't want to be preached to about the benefits of IPv6,
> >you certainly do a lot of preaching about not wanting IPv6.  :)
> Guilty as charged.
> >You've been given the tools to do exactly what you want:
> >  - comment out IPv6 support in the kernel config file
> >  - add WITHOUT_IPV6=yes to /etc/src.conf
> >  - rebuild the world and kernel
> >
> >Voila!  A version of FreeBSD made especially for you, without any traces of
> >IPv6.  Does exactly what you want.  Why the long diatribe asking for
> >something else once you've been shown how to do what you want?
> Rebuild kernel+world is not exactly a quick solution.

Agreed.  And I only recommend rebuilding the kernel, one of my
motivations for that is besides not needing the v6 on a log of
stuff is it reduces both wasted code size, and some security

> And god only knows how much will break once I've done that.  How many other
> people have tested -all- of the resulting binaries, seriously, on actual
> production systems?  (I may be the first one ever, at least for 12.0.)

I also agree here, running a WITHOUT_IPV6 userland is both very painful
to get built AND has issues that one does not need to face, like I showed
in another thread about netstat -6.

> But this is all besides the point anyway.  I am now resigned to my fate,
> and I am already up to the fifth stage of grief with respect to this issue.
>     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%BCbler-Ross_model
> Regards,
> rfg
Rod Grimes                                                 rgrimes at freebsd.org

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