Network issues while jails are starting

Eugene Grosbein eugen at
Wed Jul 3 08:19:38 UTC 2019

03.07.2019 15:05, wishmaster wrote:

>>> jail_enable="YES"
>>> jail_parallel_start="NO"
>>> jail_list="basejail jdb jphp jwww jmail jdns"
>>> jail_reverse_stop="YES"
>>> Any advices?
>> Does your LAN use NAT service of the router and/or its DNS resolver?

You have not provided an answer.

>> I check Internet connection w/o DNS services.

While traffic does not flow to WAN you should run two instances of tcpdump
for internal and external interfaces same time, start ping from inside host to some outside IP
and check what tcpdump shows you: does it show incoming packets and
does it show them forwarded via external interface?
If NAT is involved, is source IP address translated right?

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