IPv6 userland cleanup

Mihir Luthra luthramihir708 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 07:49:03 UTC 2019

On Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 7:27 PM Nick Wolff <darkfiberiru at gmail.com> wrote:

> Mihir,
> It depends on what skills you have/wanting to learn. Specifically some
> mildly low hanging fruit is merge of ping and ping6, also merge of
> traceroute and traceroute6. These programs both have an ipv4 and ipv6
> variant. Before that making sure you can build freebsd is always helpful
> and making sure to read "man heir" for file hieraachy. "man style" for
> coding style info.
I am somewhat skilled in C and unix shell scripts I belief and I am really
interested a lot in networking concepts and os kernels although just have
basic knowledge of latter. I felt this project is a good one for a starter,
so I thought I should work on it.
Yes, I forked the repository and starting reading stuff related to project.
Thanks for the advises. I will make sure to read the man pages too.

Also, I use a Mac generally for work. I wanted to enquire if that could
cause any issues later? Like compatibility or some other?


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