use of #ifdef INET and #ifdef INET6 in the kernel sources

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Thu Feb 28 08:00:54 UTC 2019

"Rodney W. Grimes" <freebsd at> wrote
  in <201902280158.x1S1wi7s053904 at>:

fr> >
fr> > I know both of these groups still do exist.
fr> >
fr> > Also every code not compiled in is not an attack surface, where you
fr> > think it?s executed or not.
fr> This last reason is/was a prevelent one for me for a long time,
fr> diven ipv6 is trying to autoconfigure stuff and interfaces
fr> just get a link local address that is reachable that I would
fr> have to secure.  Its was/is a royal pita to do that for lots of
fr> machines.
fr> Am I missing something in there is just some way to turn off the
fr> link local ipv6 address?

 There is a way to disable automatic link-local address configuration
 but completely turning it off prevents NDP from working.  Having a
 knob to restrict L3 communication over link-local addresses may be a
 good compromise.  At this moment, a packet filter is required to do

-- Hiroki
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