Reminder: FCP-101: pending removal of some 10/100 Ethernet drivers

Rodney W. Grimes freebsd-rwg at
Fri Feb 1 12:00:55 UTC 2019

> On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 11:43:44PM +0000, Brooks Davis wrote:
> > We are currently planning to remove the following less-popular 10/100
> > Ethernet drivers in the March/April timeframe:
> > 
> > ae, bm, cs, de, dme, ed, ep, ex, fe, pcn, sf, sn, tl, tx, txp, vx, wb, xe
> > 
> > All of these drivers generate warnings in FreeBSD 12 and to the best of
> > my knowledge, none have cleared the bar specified in the FCP[0]:
> > 
> >
> Hi,
> The above document states that the support lifetime for FreeBSD 12 is 2023.
> The expected EOL (but not decided) for 12 is June 30, 2020 however, according to

Can someone please go revise where ever this is posted based on the 18 month
minima that was set to simply state "undetermined", people are reading too much
into the date posted there.

> So, hardware in some of my machines will only be supported until sometime next
> year.

	Given that at the time FCP-101 was written part of it was
based on the assumption of a 5 year life time for 12.0.  Since that
assumption is now invalid, and worse, unknown, I would ask that until
a decision about the life of 12.0 is made we back off on the FCP-101 process
and not do anything about removing drivers until that support
model adjustment is finalized and we can evaluate the impact on
FCP-101's assumption.

Rod Grimes                                                 rgrimes at

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