packets per second tool for CLI - and question about checksum_errs
crapsh at
Wed Aug 21 05:34:49 UTC 2019
Here is a quick tool so show Packets Per Second on the CLI for all your
interfaces (only tested with ix and igb).
It uses the output of sysctl every second. If you like it, great!
Quick question, why am I seeing checksum_errs around 1k on a link doing
**Sample output of script:*
Tue Aug 20 22:28:16 2019 00:00:01
Dev RX bits TX bits RX PPS TX PPS CK Error
igb0 0 2 0
igb1 0 0 0
ix0 2589 M 415 M 311 k 171 k 11
ix1 254 M 2120 M 108 k 248 k 1 k
ix2 171 M 508 M 62 k 63 k 385
ix3 1 k 1 k 0 0 0
# pps - Packets Per Second tool like top
# Tue Aug 20 22:09:25 PDT 2019, MonkeyBrains.NET
my $SAMPLETIME = shift || 4;
my $DAMPEN = undef; # set to 1 to make Mbps be an average
$SAMPLETIME =~ /^\d{1,4}$/ or die "Usage: $0 [delay]\n";
use Term::ANSIScreen qw/:color :cursor :screen :keyboard/;
# footer text
my $hostname = `hostname`;
my $footer = "Host: $hostname";
# colors in the table
my @c = ('bold white on black', 'green', 'cyan', 'bold green', 'bold
blue', 'bold red'); # columns in table
my @c2 = ('bold yellow on black', 'black on yellow', 'black on yellow');
# header and footer
my @w = (8); # width for columns (decided on 10 for all but first...)
my $totalWidth = $w[0] + 50;
my $width1 = $totalWidth-30;
my $width2 = $totalWidth-$w[0];
# some variables
my %info;
my %avg; # tamper Mbps fluctations...
print cls(); #clear screen
my $s = 0; # number of sysctl runs
while (1) {
open STATS, "sysctl dev | " or die;
my %sum;
while (<STATS>) {
my ($dev,$p1,$p2,$v,$delta);
if (s/^dev\.([a-z]+)\.(\d+)\.//) {
$dev = $1.$2;
} else {
if (/^(mac_stats).good_(octets_.*): *(\d+)$/o) {
($p1,$p2,$v) = ($1,$2,$3*8); # bytes * 8
# use a rolling 'last 4 data points' average
$delta=$v-$info{$dev}{$p1}{$p2}{'last'} if
if ($DAMPEN) {
# keep a running average...
if ($avg{$dev}{$p2} && $delta) {
# add t0 average over past 2 cycles
$avg{$dev}{$p2} = ($delta + $avg{$dev}{$p2} * 2)/ 3;
$delta = $avg{$dev}{$p2} unless ($delta = 0); #
hard zero at 0
} else {
# first time through
$avg{$dev}{$p2} = 0; # init
} elsif (/^(mac_stats|queue.*)\.(.*): *(\d+)$/o) {
($p1,$p2,$v) = ($1,$2,$3);
$delta=$v-$info{$dev}{$p1}{$p2}{'last'} if
} else {
$sum{$dev}{$p2} += $delta; # will aggregate all queues
locate 1, 1; # move cursor to top left
my $seconds = time-$^T;
my $hours = int( $seconds / (60*60) );
my $mins = ( $seconds / 60 ) % 60;
my $secs = $seconds % 60;
my $elapsed = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hours,$mins,$secs);
print colored
[$c2[0]],sprintf("%-30s%${width1}s\n",scalar(localtime),$elapsed); #
clear line, and return
print colored [$c2[1]],sprintf("%$w[0]s%-${width2}s\n", "Dev"," RX
bits TX bits RX PPS TX PPS CK Error ");
foreach my $dev (sort keys %sum) {
my $i = 0;
print colored [$c[0]], sprintf("%$w[$i]s",$dev);
foreach my $p2 (qw(octets_rcvd octets_txd rx_packets tx_packets
checksum_errs)) {
my $v = $sum{$dev}{$p2};
$v /= $SAMPLETIME if $s > 2; # need two values
$v =~ s/\..*//; # floor
# conver to M and k for Mega and Kilo
if ($v > 1000000) {
$v /= 1000000;
$v =~ s/\.\d+//;
$v .= ' M';
} elsif ($v > 1000) {
$v /= 1000;
$v =~ s/\.\d+//;
$v .= ' k';
} else {
$v .= ' '; # some padding for alignment
my $width = $w[$i] || 10;
print colored [$c[$i]],sprintf("%${width}s",$v);
print "\n";
print colored [$c2[2]],sprintf("%-${totalWidth}s\n", " $footer");
close STATS;
if ($s == 1) {
sleep 1; # only sleep 1 on startup
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