igb(4) media status incorrect when disconnected

Karl Denninger karl at denninger.net
Thu Apr 18 14:44:13 UTC 2019

On 4/16/2019 13:06, Nick Rogers wrote:
> Hello,
> In 12.0-RELEASE, STABLE, and 13-CURRENT,  gb(4) interfaces report an
> incorrect media status after they are disconnected (ethernet cable
> unplugged). Ifconfig reports active + autoselect/1000baseT when it should
> report inactive.
> I filed a bug for this a few weeks ago and have not had any luck...
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=236724
> I am wondering if anyone in this list has any ideas or can help me begin to
> pinpoint where things are breaking down. My current thought is either the
> driver does not receive the interrupt when its unplugged, or something else
> is wrong, but I am unsure how to verify this. An ifconfig down + up always
> resolves it (corrects the status).
> Thank you.

I just had this bite me (hard) on a gateway machine that "disappeared"
offline from the Internet.

A flap on the interface that appears to have come from the attached
cable modem dropping the link to the unit momentarily resulted in a
rebind BUT the address never got re-assigned to the igb0 interface.  A
manual ifconfig down/up fixed it, but this was a quite-severe incident
because it left the external connection completely invisible -- if there
had been nobody available on the "inside" to do that manually.....

I'm on 12-STABLE r343809 on the specific box in question.

Karl Denninger
karl at denninger.net <mailto:karl at denninger.net>
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