Re: netmap on cxgb (Chelsio T3) — panic on transmit

Navdeep Parhar np at
Mon Nov 26 20:33:14 UTC 2018

On 11/22/18 7:30 AM, Lev Serebryakov wrote:
>  I've obtained Chelsio T3 for my "network lab". It works with cxgb
> driver well, but when I try to use Netmap's pkt-gen on it it crashes
> system immediately with such message:
> panic: trying to coalesce 9 packets in to one WR
> I've turned all checksums, lro and tso off, but it doesn't help.
> Do I have any chances to get netmap supported (maybe, not very
> efficient) on this NIC?

The T3 is a very old chip that has been EoL'd for some time and it's not
likely to get native netmap support.

Your panic must be while using netmap's emulation mode on top of cxgb.
Try modifying check_pkt_coalesce() in the driver to always return 0 and
see if that avoids the panic.  Don't expect much performance-wise even
if that works.


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