Long-lived connections over WiFi get stuck

Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb-lists at lists.zabbadoz.net
Thu Nov 8 22:10:32 UTC 2018

On 8 Nov 2018, at 19:14, Yuri wrote:

> I have the problem that vnc-over-ssh connection from the laptop on 
> WiFi gets stuck regularly, while the local browser on the laptop still 
> works fine.
> Eventually vnc-over-ssh either disconnects, or can be revived by 
> pulling the WiFi card out and putting it back in.
> The only difference between the browser and vnc-over-ssh is that 
> browser connections are supposedly shorter, and can supposedly get 
> reset by the browser when they aren't responsive, while ssh 
> connections are long-lived and probably intense because vnc regularly 
> needs to transfer large screen portions, and ssh doesn't reconnect 
> when stuck.
> What could be a problem with long connections getting stuck? How can 
> this be troubleshooted?

My initial thought was MTU issues.

You might want to run tcpdump/wireshark and see what’s going on.  
Wireshark might help you with the analysis.


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