Same host or different? How can you tell "over the wire"?

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at
Sat Mar 24 18:38:15 UTC 2018

In message <201803241747.w2OHlupR069759 at>, 
Jamie Landeg-Jones <jamie at> wrote:

>Have you thought of examining the TCP timestamp field? Not necessarily
>for accurate uptime, but a way to determine if the hosts are the same.

No, I certainly didn't, but that appears to be the exact kind of thing
I was looking for, so thanks!  (I will have to look into it some more.
I have just skimmed RFC 1323 for the very first time ever, and it will
take me awhile to fully grok this stuff.)

>Or some of the other fingerprinting methods? nmap has options for uptime
>and other fingerprinting :

I'm not seeing a separate option just for the uptime, apart from the
full blown OS detection.  Did I just miss it?

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