Same host or different? How can you tell "over the wire"?
Rodney W. Grimes
freebsd-rwg at
Thu Mar 22 02:51:07 UTC 2018
> In message <201803212204.w2LM4G8h023320 at>,
> "Rodney W. Grimes" <freebsd-rwg at> wrote:
> >One thing you could look at is the OS finger printing of nmap,
> >that could look for possible things to diffentiate the hosts.
> Yea, that idea occurred to me. But this solution has the same problem
> that I just mentioned in another one of my replies in this thread:
> Even if nmap says that two IP addresses have the exact same OS
> signature, that is far from enough to assert that they are both
> under the control of the exact same Bad Actor.
You are not going to prove the "control of the exact same Bad Actor"
without a warrant to search and seize.
You might prove they are 2 different boxes if the nmap finger
print shows a difference, but if they show identical you have
proved nothing.
> You certainly wouldn't want to send someone to prison, or even to
> after-school detention, based on such limited circumstantial evidence.
> >Depending on just what the host is there could be other tale
> >tale signs picked up from "forensic" type of data captured
> >with tcpdump while playing known packet sequences against
> >each host at identical time.
> Such as?
> I'm all ears.
At this point I have to state I am not going to do your
research work for free. I have given you plenty of free
leads to persue.
> >What you ask I believe could be done, but it non trivial and
> >would require a very good understanding of both forensics
> >and the differing ways that TCP/IP is implemented.
> I like to think that I am a quick learner. Please proceed with the
> lesson.
The rates for lessons in Forensics start at reasonable enough
amounts, you can contact me off list if you wish to persue that.
... rest deleted ...
Rod Grimes rgrimes at
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