Multipath TCP, what's the progress, if there is any?

Nigel Williams theothernigel at
Mon Feb 12 03:40:03 UTC 2018

Hi Dingo,

On 26/01/2018 09:37, Outback Dingo wrote:
>* On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 4:21 PM, Peter G. <freebsd at <>> wrote:
*>>* A few years back a working group announced their work on MPTCP for FreeBSD,
<> Around that time also a QR
*>>* the project,
*>>>>* Since then all of this seems to have gone silent. The only
recent mention is
*>>* this page,
*>>>>* Is the development truly ongoing against HEAD? Where can I find any
*>>* up-to-date info regarding this? Can't find anything.
*> >* their bitbucket of the code base is here, though nothing since 2016,
*>* and i believe CAIA working group itself is now merged with something
*>* else at uni of Swinborne

Had to relocate for a new job and had limited time to spend on this last
year. Did some work but this wasn't pushed into the public repository.
Intend to pick this up again this year in my spare time. I don't have
access to my old Swinburne email so if you had any questions you can
contact me at this gmail address.


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