cxl nic not working after reboot

Rodney W. Grimes freebsd-rwg at
Thu Aug 30 22:22:27 UTC 2018

> On 8/30/18 2:51 PM, Marius Halden wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 30, 2018, at 19:27, Navdeep Parhar wrote:
> >> On 8/30/18 4:21 AM, Marius Halden wrote:
> >>> I tried to downgrade to a the previous bsdrp version we were running based on 11.1-RELEASE-p10, but it did not start working again. ifconfig output and t5nex0 devlog follows (non-working state), but it all looks fine to me (media has always been reported wrong). I did notice though that "hw_mac_init_port[0], ?" will always be logged when it works but not when when it doesn't work. I confirmed this on a box still running the old version which functions as intended.
> >>>
> >>> The ones not working has a newer firmware version than the ones working.
> >>>
> >>> Non-working:
> >>> # sysctl dev.t5nex.0.firmware_version
> >>> dev.t5nex.0.firmware_version:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Working:
> >>> # sysctl dev.t5nex.0.firmware_version
> >>> dev.t5nex.0.firmware_version:
> >>>
> >>> Any other ideas?
> >>>
> >>
> >> I'm still looking into it.  The current working theory is that the peer
> >> is trying to autonegotiate when it shouldn't (it's 1Gbps optics).  If
> >> you know how to disable AN on the peer this should be easy to test.
> > 
> > Thanks. Unfortunately we don't have access to the peer as that's our ISPs router. According to the sysctl autonegotiate is not supported on our side.
> > 
> I'll get a couple of 1G optics in a day or so and then I'll be able to
> try some things for myself.  Wait for that or try a 1G TWINAX (copper)
> SFP+ cable in case you have one -- that should be able to link up (if
> it's really autonegotiation that's causing problems).

I have seen some issues if one end has 1G optics, and the other
end has 1/10G optics, it wont reliably come up every time unless
you nail the other end to 1Gbps.

Rod Grimes                                                 rgrimes at

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