swaping ring slots between NIC ring and Host ring does not always success

Xiaoye Sun Xiaoye.Sun at rice.edu
Thu Nov 30 03:55:04 UTC 2017

On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 2:33 AM, Vincenzo Maffione <v.maffione at gmail.com>

> Hi,
>   If you think it's a bug can you please open an issue on the github (
> https://github.com/luigirizzo/netmap/issues)?
> 2017-11-24 22:11 GMT+01:00 Xiaoye Sun <Xiaoye.Sun at rice.edu>:
>> Hi Vincenzo,
>> Let me clarify my problem. (please ignore the previous incompleted email)
>> I have a program, which is an extension of bridge.c
>> https://github.com/luigirizzo/netmap/blob/master/apps/bridge/bridge.c
>> The only difference is that my program also generates customized packets
>> sent to the NIC directly.
>> These customized packets have increasing sequence numbers.
>> So, this program not only sends these customized packets but also
>> forwards packets between NIC and host stack using zerocopy.
>> The program only takes one NIC queue and there is only one thread.
>> I think the problem is that there is a chance where netmap does not
>> update the pointer to the buffer even when NS_BUF_CHANGED is set
>> (buf_idx is changed).
> Can you disable zerocopy in bridge.c to see if the problem goes away? This
> would be an useful information.
 disable zerocopy make this problem disappeared

>> Let's say the NIC tx ring has 4096 slots. The customized packet sequence
>> 16 is filled in the buffer of slot 2057.
>> The customized packets keep filling the slots until the next available
>> slot is 2056.
> Do you mean that your program fills the TX ring slots
> 2057,2058...2054,2055 with custom packets? This would mean you filled all
> the available slots, since one slot is left empty.
>> Now the customised packet sequence 4111 is filled to 2056.
> You cannot fill the slot 2056 if 2055 has not been NIOCTXYSINC'd. Aren't
> you using nm_ring_empty() and nm_ring_space() functions to check
> for available space in TX ring (assuming you update rinig->head/ring->cur
> before calling those functions)?
> the slots are not filled-in once. NIOCTXYSINC are called at most every 512
slots are filled. I always use nm_ring_space() to check the number of
remaining slots in the ring.

> Cheers,
>   Vincenzo
>> Then the netmap program is notified that there is a packet from the host
>> stack sent to the NIC.
>> The netmap program swaps the buf_idx between slot 2057 and the
>> corresponding slot in the host rx ring and set the NS_BUF_CHANGED flag
>> of both slots.
>> Then the netmap program fills sequence 4112 to slot 2058.
>> However, the buffer swap seems not succeed so that the original content
>> of slot 2057 (sequence 16) is sent out.
>> So that at the receiver side, the receiver sees two sequence
>> 16s.(16,17...4110,4111,16,4112,4113).
>> So think the root of the problem is that the buffer pointer is not always
>> successfully/timely updated even after the NS_BUF_CHANGED flag is set
>> and the buf_idx is updated.
>> Best,
>> Xiaoye
>> On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 7:39 AM, Vincenzo Maffione <v.maffione at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> 2017-11-21 7:51 GMT+01:00 Xiaoye Sun <Xiaoye.Sun at rice.edu>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Recently I found another problem with netmap. I think this new problem
>>>> could be related to the problems in this threads so I just post the new
>>>> problem here.
>>>> In my setup, I have a sender program having a netmap ring (a pair of
>>>> RX/TX ring) for the NIC and a ring for the host stack. The sender
>>>> program
>>>> puts customized packets (each packet has a unique sequence number and
>>>> the
>>>> sender sends the packet in a sequence number increasing order) to the
>>>> NIC
>>>> TX ring directly and also forwards the packets from the host RX ring to
>>>> the
>>>> NIC TX ring using "zerocopy" by swapping the buffer indices.
>>>> However, the receiver sees duplicated customized packets. For example,
>>>> in
>>>> the case where the ring size is 32 (32 slots in a ring) the order of the
>>>> sequence numbers the receiver see is 1,2,3,4,5,...,68,69,*70*
>>>> ,71,72,73,...,99,100,*70*,101,102,103,... . An interesting thing I
>>>> found is
>>>> that the "gaps" between these two duplicated packets (70 in the example)
>>>> are always a number very close to the ring size, 32 in this example. In
>>>> my
>>>> experiment, I use a ring with 4096 slots and the gap is always more than
>>>> 4090 and close to 4096. I verified that this duplication happens due to
>>>> the
>>>> sender, not the receiver. Assuming my sender's implementation is
>>>> correct,
>>>> then this duplication may happen in netmap and the NIC driver (ixgbe).
>>> Netmap itself doesn't do any duplication nor takes a look at the
>>> packets. It just passes
>>> down ring->cur/ring->head to the ixgbe driver (after validation).
>>> The ixgbe driver datapath is bypassed and replaced with a netmap-enabled
>>> datapath (see https://github.com/luigirizzo/
>>> netmap/blob/master/LINUX/ixgbe_netmap_linux.h#L294-L461);
>>> no duplication should happen there as each netmap slot (1 TX packet) is
>>> used
>>> only once.
>>>> Thinking back to the original problem in this post, I think these
>>>> problems
>>>> may be related. It seems to me that there could be multiple threads
>>>> pulling
>>>> the packets from the NIC TX ring (or the thread moved to other CPUs when
>>>> the problem occurs) and these threads may run on different cores so that
>>>> the outdated content in the buffer may be sent out when new content is
>>>> written to the buffer.
>>> There are no such threads pulling from the NIC TX ring. Your application
>>> directly
>>> puts new packets to be transmitted in the netmap buffers referenced in
>>> the netmap TX
>>> ring. When then you call NIOCTXSYNC or poll(), all the new TX buffers
>>> (e.g. all
>>> the ones from the previous value ring->head (included) to the new value
>>> of ring->head (excluded))
>>> are moved to the NIC TX ring. This happens in the context of your
>>> application thread,
>>> no worker threads are used. Then the NIC hardware starts the
>>> transmission.
>>>> I am wondering if there is a way to pin the NIC driver of the netmap
>>>> module
>>>> to a specific core. or is there a way to know the root of such problem?
>>> The only threads are the ones of your application.
>>> Maybe your problem comes from concurrent accesses to the netmap TX ring
>>> from different threads? Only one thread at a given time should update a
>>> netmap
>>> TX/RX ring. Otherwise the behaviour is unspecified.
>>> Cheers,
>>>   Vincenzo
>>>> Best,
>>>> Xiaoye
>>> --
>>> Vincenzo Maffione
> --
> Vincenzo Maffione

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