OpenVPN vs IPSec

Eugene Grosbein eugen at
Sun Nov 19 15:25:50 UTC 2017

19.11.2017 22:14, Victor Sudakov wrote:

>> There is also if_ipsec(4), too.
> Oh, I forgot about this recent addition. It was a really good design
> idea, thank you for reminding me. 
> I now even remember discussing it with Andrey in his LJ and suggesting
> a small cosmetic feature which he implemented by my request.
> Have you tried in in production? What does it do to the MTU?

I've not tried if_ipsec yet. I'm still fine with older ways to "cook" IPSEC :-)

> And what does it look like (both shared secret and login/password)
> from the point of view of a Windows/Mac client?

They all have corresponding fields in their GUI to enter these parameters
and then it just works.

>> You can find my letter to RU.UNIX.BSD of Juny 20 with subject "Re: STABLE+IPSEC"
>> describing this setup.
> May I ask you kindly to publish a howto in your LJ?

I have some problems with LJ after they moved their servers, so do not expect that soon.
However, there is almost nothing special to share. Just use software in most simple way :-)
It finally works these days just how it supposed to do from the beginning.

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