FreeBSD 11.1 vmx + netmap queues

Vincenzo Maffione v.maffione at
Thu Nov 2 21:31:07 UTC 2017

  With vmx driver netmap will use the emulated netmap adapter. On freebsd
netmap still does not have a way to see how many rings an interface has. So
by default will assume 1 tx/rx rings couple for emulated adapter. You can
however change this by sysctl dev.netmap.generic_rings.


Il 2 nov 2017 6:22 PM, "Santiago Martinez" <sm at> ha scritto:

> Hi list, hope you guys are doing well.
> I have a basic question. Do you know if multiple TX queues are
> supported  for vmx + netmap ?
> Basically I'm using pkt-gen to generate bulk traffic @10Gbps and its OK
> with packet size >~1000b.
> For small packets I should use multiple cores/processes to be able to
> generate the required pps, but pkg-gen complain that I have only one queue.
> I tried adding multiple queues for vmx on loader.conf (can verify with
> sysctl) but netmap still complaining there is only one queue.
> sysctl -a | grep vmx.1:
> dev.vmx.1.mbuf_load_failed: 0
> dev.vmx.1.mgetcl_failed: 0
> dev.vmx.1.defrag_failed: 0
> dev.vmx.1.defragged: 0
> dev.vmx.1.nrxqueues: 8
> dev.vmx.1.ntxqueues: 4
> dev.vmx.1.max_nrxqueues: 8
> dev.vmx.1.max_ntxqueues: 4
> dev.vmx.1.%parent: pci4
> dev.vmx.1.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x15ad device=0x07b0 subvendor=0x15ad
> subdevice=0x07b0 class=0x020000
> dev.vmx.1.%location: slot=0 function=0 dbsf=pci0:11:0:0
> handle=\_SB_.PCI0.PE50.S1F0
> dev.vmx.1.%driver: vmx
> dev.vmx.1.%desc: VMware VMXNET3 Ethernet Adapter
> pkg-gen still saying one queue for vmx:
> Sending on netmap:vmx1: 1 queues, 2 threads and 4 cpus.
> Thanks in advance.
> Santiago
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