Possible bug in ifconfig regarding ip addresses and fibs

Steven Crangle Steven at stream-technologies.com
Fri Jun 16 20:07:15 UTC 2017

Actually just realised I was setting the sysctl to 1 as I'm a bit brain dead and tired.. haha Just tried again with the correct value and it worked!

So it's all configured correctly now.

Thanks again for your help!



[Stream Logo]

Steven Crangle

Systems Developer | Stream Technologies | Glasgow, UK


+44 (0)844 800 8520




From: Steven Crangle
Sent: 16 June 2017 20:09:38
To: Alan Somers
Cc: FreeBSD Net
Subject: Re: Possible bug in ifconfig regarding ip addresses and fibs

Aha! Just checked and net.add_addr_allfibs is set to 0, but after updating it and restarting, the issue still persists!

That bug seems to be relevant to duplicate addresses, figured I would be clear from any sort of weird behaviour with using different ones.

Either way, I think I can figure out a solution for my problem without configuring the second 124 address onto manee. I just figured I'd report here incase it was unexpected behaviour.

Might also take a look into the source too and see if anything crops up!

Thanks again for your help!



[Stream Logo]

Steven Crangle

Systems Developer | Stream Technologies | Glasgow, UK


+44 (0)844 800 8520




From: asomers at gmail.com <asomers at gmail.com> on behalf of Alan Somers <asomers at freebsd.org>
Sent: 16 June 2017 17:39:48
To: Steven Crangle
Cc: FreeBSD Net
Subject: Re: Possible bug in ifconfig regarding ip addresses and fibs

On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 10:35 AM, Steven Crangle <Steven at stream-technologies.com<mailto:Steven at stream-technologies.com>> wrote:

Hi Alan,

Thanks for the fast reply.

I actually think I had the fib 5 part appended to the line previously, but had somehow removed it in my repeated attempts! Either way, I just tried your solution, and it results in the same behaviour.

The initial two IP's are assigned, but the final is not.

When i get chance, I'll try moving the mgmt IP from the 124 range to something else and repeating, as I'm sure it's some sort of interaction between manee and mgmt. Since the commands are successful if I change the final addresses IP to a different range!



What's your value of net.add_addr_allfibs ?  If should probably be 0, depending on what exactly your trying to do.
Also, this bug might be relevant:

If you have the option of using different IP addresses, then that will definitely be the easiest solution.


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