Preventing the acquisition of IPv6 addresses

Mark Raynsford list+net.freebsd at
Sun Jul 9 19:32:26 UTC 2017


My VPS provider gives me a /64, within which I'm expected to either use
SLAAC to acquire IP addresses, or statically assign them myself. My
provider does, however, require me to use router solicitation in order
to learn routes. I choose to statically assign addresses on my instances.

I'm doing the following:

1. I execute the following on boot:

  /sbin/ifconfig vtnet0 inet6 2001:19f0:0005:0752:f000:0000:0000:0000 prefixlen 64 accept_rtadv

2. I run the rtsold service:

  /usr/sbin/rtsold -f -F vtnet0

This allows me to acquire a proper route, but it also seems to mean that I
acquire spurious IP addresses on the vtnet0 interface that I don't want 
or need. I filter outgoing traffic, so nothing gets in or out on those 
addresses, but I'd prefer if they just weren't there at all.

Is it possible to acquire routes without also getting addresses assigned?

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