Setting priority per flow

Meny Yossefi menyy at
Mon Dec 25 11:34:57 UTC 2017

Hi all,

I'd like to set priority per flow in FreeBSD for PFC use.
In Linux, I can do so using a socket option (SO_PRIORITY) which eventually will be mapped into the PCP bits in the VLAN tag.
Is there a FreeBSD equivalent? So far I could only find an 'ifconfig' option to set PCP ('vlanpcp'), but that's only per VLAN interface, not a specific flow.

Also, is there a way to configure prio-tagging (priority over VLAN ID 0)? It seems that setting VLAN with ID 0 is not permitted: 

sys/net/if_vlan.c, vlan_config() lines 1418:
	 * Don't let the caller set up a VLAN VID with
	 * anything except VLID bits.
	 * VID numbers 0x0 and 0xFFF are reserved.
	if (vid == 0 || vid == 0xFFF || (vid & ~EVL_VLID_MASK))
		return (EINVAL);

Nothing on the receive side suggests this case is being handled as well.

I Would appreciate an elaborated answer in case I'm missing something here.

Thanks in advance,

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