Announce IPv6 prefix without being IPv6 gateway?

Lev Serebryakov lev at
Sun Apr 23 19:48:08 UTC 2017

Hello Freebsd-net,

  I have Point-to-Point Ethernet connection one end of which FreeBSD 11, an
 other end is Windows. It is, really, patch-cord between tow systems, not a
 some tunnel, but physical Ethernet cards.

  I want to announce IPv6 Prefix to Windows. FreeBSD system has other live
 interfaces and I don't want any routing performed by this system.

  I have manual IPv6 address configuration on FreeBSD and rtadvd running on
 this "P2P" interface. But rtadvd complains:

rtadvd[2663]: non-zero lifetime RA but net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=0. Ignored.

 But I don't need IPv6 forwarding! I only want Prefix announcement to avoid
manual configuration of Windows host and virtual boxes on this host!

 Is it possible to achieve such configuration?

Best regards,
 Lev                          mailto:lev at

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