is lagg (re+wlan) working on 11.0-RELEASE?

Zeus Panchenko zeus at
Tue Oct 18 17:10:50 UTC 2016

thanks for quick reply

J.R. Oldroyd <fbsd at> wrote:
> There is a work-around.  Configure the re interface with the MAC
> address of the wlan instead of the other way around.

I done it and here is what happens:

1. I boot notebook with wire *not* plugged in
   wlan is up, associated and authed, network is OK

2. I plug wire and network becomes stale

3. I run `tcpdump -ni lagg0' to see what's going on and oh, wonder,
   network comes back lo life!

so ... either to not to use lagg or run tcpdump constantly ... it is
rather weird :(

Zeus V. Panchenko				jid:zeus at
IT Dpt., I.B.S. LLC					  GMT+2 (EET)
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