Getting CARP to broadcast on a different interface

Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff stdin at
Wed Jun 8 19:23:51 UTC 2016

Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff [2016-06-08 18:30 +0200] :

> Then, I could use devd to assign the public failover IP (that I actually
> wanted to share with CARP on vtnet0) to the public interface vtnet0.
> CARP(4) provides an example on how to use carp status change events for
> additional scripting:
> Depending von $type, could either
>     ifconfig vtnet0 <public-ip> alias
> or
>     ifconfig vtnet0 <public-ip> -alias

For that to work I must bind processes to non-local IP addresses. How do
I do that?

I found this

with some recommendations to do so with ipfw. Can I do something similar
with pf? Or is there even another solution for binding to non-local

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