40Gbps http client benchmark

Eugene Grosbein eugen at grosbein.net
Mon Aug 8 12:19:19 UTC 2016

On 08.08.2016 08:57, Sepherosa Ziehau wrote:
> We have an optimized wrk here:
> https://github.com/sepherosa/wrk

Thank you, I'll try it.

> It greatly reduces the # of kqueue syscalls and avoids unnecessary
> setsockopt etc.  BTW, how many concurrent connections and threads are
> you testing w/?  Did you reduce the MSL on your client machines?
> Default local port range probably should be ok, but it still worth
> checking.

I use default port ranges and get best results with command like this:

cpuset -l 0-7 wrk -t8 -c60 -d60s http://x.x.x.x/index

This way, I get 4.38GB out of 4x10G lagg (lagghash l4), that is about 36Gbps.

It seems, uneven lagg load balancing prevents it from reaching higher numbers.
I tried to increase connection number from -c60 to large values but then
unpatched wrk overhelms CPU with syscalls.

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