Congestion Control Modification

Karlis Laivins karlis.laivins at
Fri May 1 05:21:23 UTC 2015

Hello George,

Thank you for the tip! I have set up a virtual test environment with IMUNES
(interesting tool, by the way) and now I am running validation tests, to
see, if the results there are at least similar to those that can be
achieved on a physical testbed.

I will let you know if and when the implementation will be done as I will
certainly need objective feedback.


On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 12:06 AM, George Neville-Neil <gnn at>

> If you want to run some experiments, though, you could look at running PTPd
> on 3 servers (master, and two slaves) which will get you decent
> synchronization
> among the three.  Where decent is less than the typical RTT of a TCP
> packet on a
> 1Gbps LAN.
> Best,
> George
> On 30 Apr 2015, at 14:48, Karlis Laivins wrote:
>  Yes, you are correct, I meant to write "relative OWD". As David Hayes put
>> it - "Relative OWD measurements are easier, and clock drift is not usually
>> a problem over the time it takes to send and receive an ACK".
>> Thank you for the correction!
>> On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 4:19 PM, Eggert, Lars <lars at> wrote:
>>  On 2015-4-30, at 15:04, Karlis Laivins <karlis.laivins at> wrote:
>>>> I have yet to solve the issue of
>>>> how to get the One Way Delay for the ACK message (the time it takes ACK
>>> to
>>>> arrive from receiver of the ACK'ed data sender) correctly.
>>> That won't work without synchronized clocks, which you can't really
>>> assume
>>> to be present.
>>> Lars

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