Another fragment question / patch

Hans Petter Selasky hps at
Fri Mar 20 17:56:18 UTC 2015

On 03/20/15 16:18, Karim Fodil-Lemelin wrote:
> Hi,
> While reading through a previous comment on this list about fragments
> I've noticed that mbuf tags aren't being copied from the leading
> fragment (header) to the subsequent fragment packets. In other words,
> one would expect that all fragments of a packet are carrying the same
> tags that were set on the original packet. I have built a simple test
> were I use ipfw with ALTQ and sent large packet (bigger then MTU) off
> that BSD machine. I have observed that the leading fragment (m0) packet
> is going through the right class although the next fragments are hitting
> the default class for unclassified packets.
> Here is a patch that makes things works as expected (all fragments carry
> the ALTQ tag):
> diff --git a/freebsd/sys/netinet/ip_output.c
> b/freebsd/sys/netinet/ip_output.c
> index d650949..7d8f041 100644
> --- a/freebsd/sys/netinet/ip_output.c
> +++ b/freebsd/sys/netinet/ip_output.c
> @@ -1184,7 +1184,10 @@ smart_frag_failure:
>                          ipstat.ips_odropped++;
>                          goto done;
>                  }
> -               m->m_flags |= (m0->m_flags & M_MCAST) | M_FRAG;
> +
> +               m->m_flags |= (m0->m_flags & M_COPYFLAGS) | M_FRAG;
> +               m_tag_copy_chain(m, m0, M_NOWAIT);
> +
>                  /*
>                   * In the first mbuf, leave room for the link header, then
>                   * copy the original IP header including options. The
> payload
> diff --git a/freebsd/sys/sys/mbuf.h b/freebsd/sys/sys/mbuf.h
> index 2efff38..6ad8439 100644
> --- a/freebsd/sys/sys/mbuf.h


I see your point about copying the tags. I'm not sure however that 
M_COPYFLAGS is correct, because it also copies M_RDONLY, which is not 
relevant for this case. Can you explain what flags need copying in 
addition to M_MCAST ? Maybe we need to define these flags separately.

Thank you!


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