Netmap/divert socket capture: getting ipfw state? [porting from Linux, need NFLOG/NFQUEUE/ct functionality]

Luigi Rizzo rizzo at
Wed Mar 11 17:50:30 UTC 2015

On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 4:27 PM, Igor 'Lo' (И.L.)
<bombsiteunrested at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I currently plan to port one of my projects to FreeBSD from Linux,
> now it requires an intrusive way of packet capture (to avoid drops)
> and relies on a connection state tracking information from outside
> (e.g. Linux's conntrack)).
> So I need a way to capture some traffic based on predetermined ipfw(?)
> rules, then get the packets to userspace together with connection
> tracking state data from firewall.
> What are my options on FreeBSD?

is a userspace port of ipfw that runs on top of netmap (works on
FreeBSD and Linux)
which gives you a fast way to capture the data and pass them to
the next stage of processing e.g. through a netmap pipe.


> (Also, I'm fine with going down to kernel and communicating with my
> own userspace app with other means, as long as I don't have to add own
> connection tracker, but I'll prefer a pure userspace solution if
> possible).
> --
> cheers,
> Igor
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 Prof. Luigi RIZZO, rizzo at  . Dip. di Ing. dell'Informazione        . Universita` di Pisa
 TEL      +39-050-2211611               . via Diotisalvi 2
 Mobile   +39-338-6809875               . 56122 PISA (Italy)

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