tcp keep-alive message sent without timestamp option
Ben Woods
woodsb02 at
Thu Dec 24 08:23:47 UTC 2015
On Thursday, 24 December 2015, Yongmin Cho <yongmincho82 at> wrote:
> Hi, all.
> I have checked tcp keep-alive in freebsd head.
> According to RFC7323, tcp timestamp option must be sent with
> keep-alive packet after timestamp option has been negotiated.
> So I have tested this on linux-3.13.0.
> tcp keep-alive message is sent with timestamp option on linux-3.13.0.
> But on freebsd head, tcp keep-alive packet is sent without timestamp option
> after negotiated. So I made patch file based on freebsd head.
> Please check this patch file. any feedback will be welcome.
> Thank you in advance for your answers!
> According in RFC7323:
> Once TSopt has been successfully negotiated, that is both <SYN>
> and <SYN,ACK> contain TSopt, the TSopt MUST be sent in every non-<RST>
> segment for the duration of the connection, and SHOULD be sent in
> an <RST> segment (see Section 5.2 for details). The TCP SHOULD
> remember this state by setting a flag, referred to as Snd.TS.OK,
> to one. If a non-<RST> segment is received without a TSopt, a TCP
> silently drop the segment. A TCP MUST NOT abort a TCP connection
> because any segment lacks an expected TSopt.
I recommend opening a bug report at with
this explanation and attaching the patch, so that this issue can be
discussed and doesn't get forgotten.
Please also reply to this thread with the bug number once it is known.
From: Benjamin Woods
woodsb02 at
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