IPSec Performance under Xen

Andrey V. Elsukov bu7cher at yandex.ru
Thu Apr 23 23:28:46 UTC 2015

On 24.04.2015 01:00, Sydney Meyer wrote:
> Hello,
> I have set up 2 VM's under Xen running each one IPSec-Endpoint.
> Everything seems to work fine, but (measured with benchmarks/iperf)
> the performance drops from ~10 Gb/s on a non-IPSec-Kernel to ~200
> Mb/s with IPSec compiled in, regardless of whether actually using
> IPSec or not.

Can you test this patch to see the difference? It isn't a fix. It is
just to see how will help avoiding of PCB check.

--- ip_output.c	(revision 281867)
+++ ip_output.c	(working copy)
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ again:

 #ifdef IPSEC
-	switch(ip_ipsec_output(&m, inp, &flags, &error)) {
+	switch(ip_ipsec_output(&m, NULL, &flags, &error)) {
 	case 1:
 		goto bad;
 	case -1:

WBR, Andrey V. Elsukov

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