How can sshuttle be used properly with FreeBSD (and with DNS) ?

John Case case at SDF.ORG
Mon Sep 8 16:12:36 UTC 2014

Hi Ryan,

Thanks for responding.

Just for the record, I removed my natd and ipdivert lines, so that 
sshuttles divert rules were the only rules on the system ... I made my 
system work without my own natd/divert by putting some static route 
definitions into rc.conf.

Anyway, it still worked fine for tcp over the ssh tunnel, but it didn't 
help the UDP tunneling, which supports your conclusion.

What is the solution here ?  Or more importantly, what is even the 
problem?  sshuttle documentation (the readme) makes some vague references 
to FreeBSD not handling forwarding of UDP properly, which is why the 
diverts for it go into place at all ...

Do we solve this problem by fixing sshuttle (perhaps putting in more 
complex ipfw rules for it to inject) ?  Or do we solve this problem by 
fixing FreeBSD, and making forwarding "work" with UDP properly ?

It doesn't work at all now, but I'd like to at least get a sense as to 
what the real problem to solve here is ...


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