Carp stuck in INIT

Sascha kinzenator at
Thu Oct 16 07:58:51 UTC 2014

Hi Matt,

I think I'm the user you try to help in the forum ;-).

I had the same problem like you when doing the first tests with carp. 
The alias must be a /32 as subnet declaration. I didn't read properly 
the examples in the manual and Handbook. So I configured CARP as usual 
in FreeBSD 9. The first tries were with subnet mask from the relevant 
network (for example /24). This leads me into the same problem. When 
booting up the machine, some interfaces stuck in INIT state. A 
Workaround was to put them first down and then up again with ifconfig. 
But my router has also enabled PF and is doing Traffic Filtering. The 
next problem came very fast. When reloading the pf.conf traffic was 
blocked on all interfaces. Then I discovered in the manual all examples 
have a /32 subnet mask. After changing the machine boots up properly and 
all interfaces are in MASTER state. Also reloading pf.conf was working.

Maybe you can try this:

ifconfig_em0="inet vhid 10 pass mypass alias"

On my first testing machine the configuration looks like this:


ifconfig_vlan60_alias0="inet vhid 3 pass xxxxxxxx alias vlan 60 vlandev lagg0"

The system shows a warning message during boot when I leave the inet 
keyword in carp interface configuration. I believe the manual is maybe 
incomplete. Alls examples are without inet keyword. Maybe the warnings 
are wrong and could be ignored. For me it worked also with the warning 
but I get a bit nervous on those messages.


I had a internet connection like you with a /30 Subnet from my ISP.
My interface is configured like this

|ifconfig_igb0_alias0="vhid 100 advskew 0 pass Test alias x.x.67.2/32"|

But then I get confused about setting up a default route
Details can be found here:

But it seems that you configured your interface different like described 
in the manual. I'm a bit surprised that this configuration is working.


Am 15.10.2014 um 18:46 schrieb Matt Churchyard:
> Thanks for the reply
> I tried moving the IP address to the beginning of the ifconfig line but it still seems to show the same error on boot and refuses to leave INIT mode. This isn't critical as I'm just playing around with it at the moment.
> I'm using virtualbox to test with and a few 10.0-RELEASE vm's I've had kicking around for a while. I might replace them with 10.1-RC2 tomorrow and see if I get the same thing.
> Matt
> On 15 Oct 2014, at 16:58, Freddie Cash <fjwcash at<mailto:fjwcash at>> wrote:
> You don't need the "up" keyword, and it definitely works with a /30 and a single IP. I use that at work. But the order of options does matter (IP first, CARP stuff second).
> Requires FreeBSD 10 and the new CARP code. Might work on pre-10, but I never got it to work.
> The following is from our core fibre router:
> ifconfig_em0="inet<>  vhid 30 pass mypass30 -lro -tso -vlanhwtso"
> defaultrouter=""
> The slave box is the same, but with "advskew 128" added after the pass config.
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