A couple of trivial BIND (dynamic update) questions

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at tristatelogic.com
Sun Oct 12 17:59:57 UTC 2014

In message <543A4244.1000401 at FreeBSD.org>, 
Matthew Seaman <matthew at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

>On 12/10/2014 02:05, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
>>     /var/named/var/run/named/session.key
>> So, um, how come?  The default location wasn't good enough?
>You're running chrooted to /var/named.  All paths will have /var/named
>tacked onto the front.

Ah!  OK.  It makes sense now.

>> So, um, what is the Right Solution here?  Do I need to re-jigger
>> the permissions on /var/named/etc/namedb/master to 0775 and then
>> add user-ID "bind" to the wheel group in /etc/groups?
>/var/named/etc/namedb/master is for zones where the data is managed by
>means other than dynamic update.
>If you're using dynamic update, then create a new directory
>/ver/named/etc/namedb/dynamic and make it mode 755 but owned by the bind
>UID and GID (similar to the slave directory).  Use that for storing the
>data for all your dynamic update zones.

OK, thanks much.  I will certainly do that.

(In fact, that is so obviously the correct solution that I am a bit
embarassed that I didn't just think of it myself.)

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