[Was]: Problem with ipfw table add

Alexander V. Chernikov melifaro at FreeBSD.org
Tue May 20 17:34:28 UTC 2014

On 19.05.2014 17:38, Dennis Yusupoff wrote:
> It's not enough, actually.
> Imagine what you have a table with different networks. If you'll try to
> find out is an IP belongs to some of that networks from the table, you
> should to write relatively serious "wrapper" with network range
> calculations in it. Or can you show differ (easier) way?
> So it's REALLY usefull to implement that functions "out-of-the-box".
Doing "test" function is quite easy. I'll probably do this after 
finishing new tables code merge.
> I'm risking to be annoying, but there is a good (from customers point of
> view) example of tables manipulation in Linux: ipset project
> (http://ipset.netfilter.org/ipset.man.html)
> 19.05.2014 17:21, bycn82 пишет:
>> It will be nice to have this feature,
>> but since the `ipfw table <id> list` is existing,
>> so I think this can be implemented outside the ipfw.
>> (personal opinion only )

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