Using pf.conf with public access points.

Joe Nosay superbisquit at
Sun Mar 9 23:06:51 UTC 2014

On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 6:05 PM, Jason Hellenthal <jhellenthal at>wrote:

> Sorry bit there is not enough information here. How can anyone know what
> you are trying to accomplish by any of this.
> --
>  Jason Hellenthal
>  Voice:
> On Mar 9, 2014, at 15:36, Joe Nosay <superbisquit at> wrote:
> My pf.conf is attached. I would like to know:
> 1. Is everything set up properly?
> 2. How do I compensate for the use of public access points when the IP
> addresses will always be different?
> <pf.conf>
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1. I can only access public wireless because I homeless. There is no
"static" nor "home" ip address for me to use.
2. I am trying to setup a jail as a developer environment.
3. I need to be able to get the jail started. I do not know the proper
commands nor am I able to find the reference to them.
4. I will need internet access in the jail. I need to test a UDP Lite patch
and that means having to broadcast on the available subnet listed.
5. If there is a set of commands- I have to go back to setting up the
proper sysctl jail references- to start everything, then where may I find

Yes, I will look again.
Now you know what I am working with and the conditions.

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