FreeBSD 10.0-R connected to Cisco switch (in 'trunk' mode with native VLAN) - doesn't work?

Mike Tancsa mike at
Tue Jul 29 13:25:05 UTC 2014

On 7/29/2014 9:02 AM, Karl Pielorz wrote:
> Switch side - the port is configured with:
> switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
> switchport trunk native vlan 2000
> switchport trunk allowed vlan 2000,2200-2300
> switchport mode trunk

Would it not be better to have

switchport trunk allowed vlan 2200-2300

otherwise its not clear to me what would be tagged and what would not be 
tagged as vlan 2000, no ?  Do you really need to send a mix of tagged 
and untagged frames on the port ?


Mike Tancsa, tel +1 519 651 3400
Sentex Communications, mike at
Providing Internet services since 1994
Cambridge, Ontario Canada

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