fastforward/routing: a 3 million packet-per-second system?

Ryan Stone rysto32 at
Mon Jul 28 20:37:19 UTC 2014

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:42 PM, George Neville-Neil
<gnn at> wrote:
> Chiming in late, but don't you mean instruction-retired instead of
> Best,
> George

In my experience instruction-retired gives very misleading profiler
output in most cases.  The problem is that instruction-retired gives
equal weight to all instructions, which means that it does not take
into account instructions with long latencies because they (for
example) missed the cache.  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE (or its alias,
unhalted-cycles) is a much better event because it is a nearer proxy
for time-based sampling, which is really what you're interested in
when trying to reduce runtime of processes.

My one big complaint with unhalted-cycles is that it does not take
into effect CPU time spent in busy-wait loops that use the pause
instruction, so it vastly unweights time spent adaptively spinning on
kernel mutexes, for instance.  I'm also not sure what it does when the
CPU is adjusting its frequency, but that's not a case that I ever have
to deal with personally.

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