
Cristiano Deana cristiano.deana at
Thu Jul 10 08:13:23 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I have a bsd box as a router, with 4 vlan interfaces.
I started collecting flow data with softflowd and analyze them (in a
separate machine) with nfsen, but softflowd is taking too much cpu
(for the busiest interface up to 20%), so i tried to switch ONE
interface to ng_netflow.

I configured the same as the man page, but results are... odd.

Measure are wrong. I mean, graphs collected from softflowd show the
right amounts of packet/flows/data, the ones collected with ng_netflow
are wrong.
packets and flows are lower then expected, traffic is MUCH LOWER than
expected (1/10).

Any hint to debug or anyone with similar experience?

Thank you

Cris, member of G.U.F.I
Italian FreeBSD User Group

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