Network Intel X520-SR2 stopping

Marcelo Gondim gondim at
Wed Jul 2 19:24:03 UTC 2014

Em 02/07/2014 14:07, sthaug at escreveu:
>> Is there any way that you can try a reproduce this  using a B2B configuration, or something that doesn't use XFP as a link partner? I'm thinking that you are correct regarding an incompatibility issue between SFP+ and XFP.
> Why do you believe that? The optical signals are the same for SFP+
> and XFP.
> We have lots of 10G SFP+ / XFP links in production. It just works...
> Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug at
I think I found the problem. Our SFP+ optical module is 850nm MMF and 
our transport operator is using an XFP 1310nmMMF.
I am waiting for them to exchange the module and see the result. Once 
the module is changed, I post here.

Thanks and best regards,

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