IPsec filtertunnel broken on FreeBSD 10

Nicolas DEFFAYET nicolas-ml at deffayet.com
Thu Feb 6 22:21:22 UTC 2014


The IPsec filtertunnel is broken on FreeBSD 10: incoming packets
decapsulated are not going to firewall and to the pseudo interface enc.

This issue affect 10.0-RELEASE and 10.0-STABLE.
9.1-RELEASE and 9.2-RELEASE are not affected.

Of course the systctl show that filtertunnel is enabled:

This issue is serious as it's not possible to use firewall (ipfw/pf) for
secure a gre/gif/l2tp IPsec tunnel as the incoming packets decapsulated
are not seen by the firewall.

Many peoples have reported the issue on forums.freebsd.org and a bug
report have been open:

For try to provide a fix, i have run a diff on kernel source on net,
netinet, netinet6 and netipsec folders between 9.2-RELEASE and
10.0-RELEASE but I didn't have found what change can break IPsec

Any expert or people knowing the code can help us please ?

Many thanks !


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