[CFT] new tables for ipfw

Luigi Rizzo rizzo at iet.unipi.it
Thu Aug 14 09:23:30 UTC 2014

On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 10:11 PM, Alexander V. Chernikov <
melifaro at yandex-team.ru> wrote:

> Hello list.
> I've been hacking ipfw for a while and It seems there is something ready
> to test/review in projects/ipfw branch.

​this is a fantastic piece of work, thanks for doing it and for
integrating the feedback.
I have some detailed feedback that will send you privately,
but just a curiosity:

> Some examples (see ipfw(8) manual page for the description):
> ​...
>   ipfw table mi_test create type cidr algo "cidr:hash masks=/30,/64"

​why do we need to specify mask lengths in the above​ ?


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