A problem on TCP in High RTT Environment.

Eggert, Lars lars at netapp.com
Tue Aug 12 10:43:52 UTC 2014

On 2014-8-12, at 12:31, Michael Tuexen <Michael.Tuexen at lurchi.franken.de> wrote:
> On 12 Aug 2014, at 10:02, Eggert, Lars <lars at netapp.com> wrote:
>> I bumped kern.ipc.nmbclusters by a factor of 100 (from 2036224 to 203622400). As Hiren said, kern.ipc.nmbufs auto-adjusted (from 13031835 to 205111860).
> Just to double check: You changed it in /boot/loader.conf, right?

Yep, and it has taken effect:

# sysctl -a | egrep 'nmb|mbuf'
kern.ipc.maxmbufmem: 16680744960
kern.ipc.nmbclusters: 203622400
kern.ipc.nmbjumbop: 1018111
kern.ipc.nmbjumbo9: 904986
kern.ipc.nmbjumbo16: 678740
kern.ipc.nmbufs: 205111860
net.inet.sctp.max_chained_mbufs: 5

>> I just noticed that the total "mbufs in use" didn't seem to have increase when I did the 100x scaling of kern.ipc.nmbclusters (and kern.ipc.nmbufs auto-adjusted). Neither did "bytes allocated to network". Is that expected?
> I don't think so...

Am I hitting some other kernel limit on how much memory in total the stack can use?


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