Flow Director statistics for ixgbe(4)

hiren panchasara hiren.panchasara at gmail.com
Mon Sep 30 21:44:45 UTC 2013

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Takuya ASADA <syuu at dokukino.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> descriptions are added.


My minor suggestions (you can ignore them :-))

"Number of filters addition events that do not change the number of free"
"Number of failed filter addition events"

(I believe, "do not change the number of free" part is given when addition
is failing)

 "Number of packets that missed matched any flow director filter"
"Number of packets that didn't match any flow director filter"

> 2013/10/1 hiren panchasara <hiren.panchasara at gmail.com>
>> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Takuya ASADA <syuu at dokukino.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is originally part of "ixgbetool" patch, but I think it can be
>>> discuss
>>> separately:
>>> http://freebsd.1045724.n5.nabble.com/Adding-Flow-Director-sysctls-to-ixgbe-4-was-netmap-traffic-distribution-tp5847066p5847789.html
>>> I implemented sysctls to expose Flow Director statistics.
>>> It works like this:
>>> $ sysctl dev.ix.0.mac_stats|grep fdir
>>> dev.ix.0.mac_stats.fdirfree_free: 8192
>>> dev.ix.0.mac_stats.fdirfree_coll: 0
>>> dev.ix.0.mac_stats.fdirustat_add: 0
>>> dev.ix.0.mac_stats.fdirustat_remove: 0
>>> dev.ix.0.mac_stats.fdirfstat_fadd: 0
>>> dev.ix.0.mac_stats.fdirfstat_fremove: 0
>>> dev.ix.0.mac_stats.fdirmatch: 0
>>> dev.ix.0.mac_stats.fdirmiss: 23
>> I am running this with the ixgbetool patch you have and only 1 issue I've
>> seen so far: fdirustat_add increments on adding a filter but
>> fdirustat_remove does not on deleting one (if thats how its supposed to
>> work)
As we talked on another thread, yes, problem is just the counter not
getting updated. The functionality is fine.

 Appreciate your awesome work.


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